About nine years ago I made a film for my thesis project "Perception" on no budget, with a toy camera and lots of determination. Thanks to the encouragement of my professor Jim Kenney, I entered and won the film/video section of the Adobe Achievement Awards. It was thrilling to be flown to N.Y., have a private party in the Guggenheim, as well as to have my work on display in the museum for two weeks. Not to mention meeting some of my design idols, Chipp Kidd, Sagmeister and a chance encounter Jonathan Wells (founder of res fest) who sent my film around the world in his film festival. As well as the gregarious Lynda Decker who gave me the most important career advice I've ever received.
I have had the great fortune to work on many amazing films, with amazing film makers who are changing the way we see the world we live in (Suzan Beraza's "Bag it", Megan Mylan's "Smile Pinki", Abbey Ginzberg's "Soul of Justice", Tiore Film's "Mother Caring for Seven Billion").
Then out of the blue, Adobe contacted me and asked if I would judge the Adobe Achievement Awards for 2012. Wow, what an honor to be on the other side, in a position to possibly change someone's life. I have now come full circle.
Reflecting over the past several years, I am awed by my good fortune and the generosity of all the amazing people that have shared their creativity, inspiration, and dreams with me.